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Turnarounds & Shutdowns

.5 camera view of an industrial plant

3 min read

FAQ: What is Shutdown Planning?

Shutdowns play a crucial role in the maintenance of plants. The planning and execution of shutdowns differ significantly from routine or weekly...

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Optimizing Industrial Performance with ParFabs Mechanical Turnarounds

2 min read

Optimizing Industrial Performance with ParFab's Mechanical Turnarounds

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial operations, regular maintenance, specialty welding and mechanical turnarounds play a pivotal role in...

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Images from an actual ParFab turnaround project

2 min read

Specialty Welding & Turnarounds

Specialty welding and turnarounds play a crucial role in the industrial sector, especially within the realm of construction, maintenance, and repair....

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ParFab's Turnaround Services are designed to reduce downtime in turnaround projects

2 min read

Turnaround Services

Generally speaking, there are three important aspects that are likely to be crucial for those seeking turnaround services: safety & reliability,...

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Active ParFab turnaround project in a plant.

4 min read

5 Phases of a Turnaround Project

Plant turnarounds are critical events in the industrial world, allowing facilities to undergo necessary upgrades, repairs, and maintenance. However,...

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ParFab worker with gloves and mask doing technical mechanical work.

3 min read

How ParFab Manages Turnarounds & Shutdowns

As the fabrication and field services leader in the refining and petrochemical space, ParFab prides itself in having a certified and highly trained...

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