
ParFab Field Services has ingrained in our team a strong safety culture. The safety of our employees and our clients is of the upmost importance on any job and in any situation.

Our safety certifications and programs include

Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) Safety Training Evaluation Process (STEP) Association of Chemical Industry of Texas (ACIT) Louisiana Chemical Industry Alliance (LCIA) American Fuel & Petroleum Manufacturers (AFPM) Contractor Safety Awards Approved Department of Labor Apprenticeship Program Health and Safety Council (HASC) National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Canada Certificate of Recognition (COR) National Compliance Management Service (NCMS) Canada Certificate of Recognition (COR) AVETTA ISNetWorld

Safety Culture

ParFab has ingrained in our team a strong safety culture. The safety of our employees and our clients is of the upmost importance on any job and in any situation.


PFS Safety Stats

Safety numbers year over year.

How We Did

Safety Statement

Read our commitment to safety.

Read It

HSE Commitments

Safety is one of our core values.

Covid-19 Safety

Our prevention plan while on site.

HSE Commitments

ParFab Field Services’s senior management advocates Safety as a “Core Company Value,” one that the company takes as seriously as productivity.

Our HSE commitments include:

A shared belief that all incidents and accidents can be avoided.

All employees have the authority, right and responsibility to STOP a job.

Pro-Active Safety is entrenched at every level of the ParFab organization.

Providing safe, efficient, and productive services to our customers.

Reporting, investigating, tracking, learning from, and sharing all incidents no matter the severity.

Commitment to the achievement, goals, and objectives of the OSHA Voluntary Protection Programs “VPP".

COVID-19 Safety

As COVID-19 spread across the globe, many companies had become idle. Many refinery and plant projects are deemed essential business, and crews have had to learn how to continue working safely and implement new procedures to protect their workers and families from exposure to COVID-19.

At ParFab, we work closely with our clients to develop the best COVID-19 exposure prevention plan on job sites. These best practices include walkthrough employee temperature scanning, social distancing badge monitoring, and the development of COVID-19 exposure prevention, preparedness, and response plans to be implemented throughout our company and at all job sites.

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ParFab Field Services Alky & Hazardous team member with ParFab Alky trailer in the background